+961 302 7877 | ENG
  1. Who is the contractor under this agreement?
    The contractor is self-employed Elena Nikolaevna Demesheva (TIN 504813797369).
  2. Who is the client?
    The client can be any individual or legal entity who has paid for an order through the website.
  3. What constitutes the product or service under this agreement?
    The contractor offers:

    • courses in Lebanese Arabic dialect in group and individual formats;
    • courses in Russian language in group and individual formats;
    • Lebanese Arabic dialect courses in recorded format with self-paced learning and feedback;
    • Russian language courses in recorded format with self-paced learning and feedback;
    • individual consultations on learning the Lebanese Arabic dialect or Russian language.
  4. Acceptance of the offer.
    The client, making full payment for the product or service on the current website, confirms their agreement with the terms of the public offer. In this case, the contract between the client and the contractor is considered concluded.
  5. Duties and responsibilities of the parties.
    The contractor is obliged to:

    • provide the product or service in accordance with their description on the relevant page;
    • provide the product or service within the timelines specified in informational and advertising materials;
    • maintain the relevance of information about products and services;
    • maintain the relevance of the data provided on the website;
    • respond to client inquiries within 2 business days.

    The client is obliged to:

    • provide correct data necessary for receiving the product or service;
    • retain a copy of the public offer text valid on the day of payment;
    • remain available at the contact information provided;
    • receive the purchased product or service and use it within the timeframes specified in the description or as agreed with the instructor;
    • use the materials provided within the scope of the product or service for private purposes;
    • not copy or distribute the received materials or results of the service to third parties, either for a fee or for free;
    • notify about any changes to their data in a timely manner;
    • inform about any changes in the order before the client receives their order.

    In case of non-fulfillment of their obligations, the contractor:

    • is obliged to refund the full payment (make a refund) for the undelivered product or service or provide another service or product of equivalent value.

    In case of non-fulfillment of their obligations, the client:

    • is not entitled to any form of compensation;
    • may be liable for copyright infringement according to the current editions of Russian laws.

    In case of non-fulfillment of obligations by the client, the contractor:

    • is not obliged to provide the product or service;
    • has the right to go to court with a claim of copyright infringement if such infringement is discovered.

    In case of non-fulfillment of obligations by the contractor, the client:

    • has the right to receive a monetary refund for the undelivered product or service or to receive another product or service of the same value.
  6. Conditions for receiving the product or service.
    The product or service is provided if:

    • full payment has been made;
    • all necessary current contact details for the client have been provided;
    • all necessary current data for receiving the product or service have been provided;
    • the client has all the necessary technical means to receive the product or service.
  7. Conditions for refund.
    Refunds are made in case of inability to provide the client with the product or service. Refunds are made within 72 hours after the client requests a refund.
  8. Conditions for changing the offer.
    This public offer may be amended if necessary to clarify various aspects of the interaction between the contractor and the client or if there is an expansion of the range of products and services with new products and services that require different methods of interaction between the contractor and the client.

Edited on 05.03.2023